php meetup

Lighten RIA with Adobe AIR, Flex & AMF with PHP

Web 2.0 Ajax Application with Adobe, PHP and the Zend Framework

November 4th, 2008

Scared of complex RIA applications and the brain eating zombie army of acronyms like Ajax, AIR, Flex and AMF? For our October meeting, NYPHP and Adobe stand together to cover all the ghoulish details of RIA, so
you don't lose your head this Halloween.

Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are everywhere. With Web businesses like Google and Yahoo! and brick and mortar companies like Harley Davidson and Sherwin Williams embracing RIAs for their online presence, the media buzz is giving way to the reality of a better Internet.

Adobe has recently contributed AMF support to the Zend Framework, allowing PHP developers to easily build Rich Internet Applications using Flex and Adobe AIR that interact with a PHP backend.

Kevin Hoyt, a technical evangelist with Adobe, will give an introduction to Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR, and will walk through how to create a Flex application powered by PHP and the Zend Framework. Working with Zend Studio for Eclipse, and Flex Builder (an Eclipse plugin), Kevin will demonstrate how to build, debug and deploy applications built with Adobe Flex, and how to have these same applications run on the desktop using the Adobe AIR runtime.

With this knowledge, developers will be able to easily build rich Internet applications that combine data from PHP and rich media like audio and video into a compelling application.

About Kevin

I'm a Platform Evangelist with Adobe Systems, Inc. and I like lines. Specifically, I like moving them, breaking them, blurring them and jumping over them. If the lines form a box, that's even better because then I get to think outside of them. Pushing the envelope of what technology can do, and how people perceive and interact with it, is the name of my game.

I am a frequent traveler who enjoys meeting with developers, programmers, architects, managers and anybody else involved with technology. Most of the time you'll find me somewhere in the United States speaking at conferences, user groups, or anywhere else they'll give me time in front of an audience. The rest of the time I enjoy spending with my family at home in Parker, CO.



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