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BOF #4: How to Code HTML Email Newsletters

Best practices for coding, sending and avoiding being flagged as spam.

June 14th, 2010

Bootup Open Forum (BOF) sessions deliver key technical concepts and insights from leading subject matter experts. BOFs cover fundamental to advanced topics, and we invite companies, communities and experts to contact us to lead their own session.  » learn more

Led by Tim Slavin, a long-time writer, internet marketer, and web producer, BOF #4: How to Code HTML Email Newsletters will explore how you can code HTML email newsletters so that they display correctly across many different email software clients, and avoid the junk mail folder.

Concepts Covered:
  • Optimal Layout Strategies
  • Handling Links: intra-page and to external sources
  • Spammy Code vs Clean Code
  • Best Practices, including those for Yahoo!, Gmail, and Lotus Notes
  • Testing HTML email
  • CSS Strategies
  • Video
  • Email Service Providers
  • Email Software Compatibility Charts
  • Resources to learn more

Recommended Prerequisites:
  • Basic understanding of HTML and CSS

Attendees will leave with a fairly detailed understanding of how best to approach coding an HTML email newsletter, how to confirm that it will display well across email software clients, and where they can keep up with changes in email software. From concepts to code, learn how to effectively communicate and market with the modern printing press, HTML and CSS.

Tim Slavin is an award-winning writer and technologist who has worked as staff and consultant for Reuters, Wolters Kluwer, DoubleClick, and SanDisk, among others. Since late 2002, he has published, a blog that documents often difficult to find how-to information for web designers and their clients. His article on coding HTML email newsletters, updated since 2004, was published by SitePoint, ranks high in Google, and gets 180,000 unique visitors a year. Tim's LinkedIn profile details his background.

These are interactive events, and attendees are encouraged to ask relevant questions and utilize their own laptop during the session. Laptops, however, are not required.

BOFs are free and open to the public, however seats are limited - RSVP is required

This month's meeting space is provided by the Hive at 55. In cooperation with Bootup, they are offering a free trial of their affordable New York coworking office space, including office amenities and conference rooms, in an entrepreneurial environment. Email the Hive and tell them Bootup sent you to get your free day.


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