[nycphp-announce] next at nyphp: MCSE Deep Discounts, October General Meeting, AMP Certifications, More Free Books for Review

New York PHP contact at
Sun Oct 19 19:41:10 EDT 2003

---- MCSE Deeply Discounted ----

In cooperation with New York .NET and eWin User groups, New York PHP would like to make mention of deeply discounted MCSE training.  Please contact Stephen Goodwin (srg at and see the following information for details and questions.

---- October Meeting Program ----

New York PHP has organized an exciting new lineup for our general
monthly meetings. Each meeting includes a monthly review of previous
PHundamental Threads, a technique, site or product demo, and a feature
presentation. We will be starting at 6:30pm sharp, so please arrive on

October 28th, 2003 @ 6:30pm (sharp) at Digital Pulp, Inc.

   * 6:30 PHundamental Threads
     Join the NYPHP PHundamentals team for discussion, review and Q&A
     on this month's thread, "Site Structure."

   * 6:45 Product/Technique/Special Feature
     NYPHP developer Andrew Yochum follows last month's presentation
     on templates with the cutting edge solution, PHPTAL.

   * 7:00 Feature Presentation
     "PHP Image Functions"
     PHP is not limited to creating just HTML output. It can also be
     used to create and manipulate image files in a variety of
     different image formats, including gif, png, jpg, wbmp, and xpm.
     For this month's presentation, NYPHP pixel jockey Jeff Knight
     will talk about using the GD library in PHP. Topics will include
     installation and configuration, a discussion of the image
     functions themselves, and related topics like goofy patent laws
     and basic color models and theory.

   * 7:45 Q&A and Recap
     Join us for open Q&A, including dinner and drinks after the

As always this meeting is free and open to the public, with complete
meeting and location details at - and please be sure
to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at

---- Rapid AMP Certifications ----

Concise, intense, skill-centric; RAMP Certifications now available.
Details at

---- More Free books, direct from the publishers ----

Get hot book titles, free!  Help the community and authors by writing a
brief review of the books.  And these aren't book reviews like you did
in high school - just a couple of paragraphs and an overall critique
is perfect!  Thanks to NYPHP developer Peter Lehrer, we now have a site
for members to request and pickup books for review.  For a sample
review, more information and to request a book for October, please

And, if there's a book not in our list that you'd like to review, tell
us at library at! 

---- Online Web Forums ----

We've received numerous requests for providing additional resources to
the community through online web forums, and have answered with and forums at

--- 25% Discount on PHP Magazine for the New York PHP Community ---

Now our community can take advantage of the rich resources PHP Magazine
makes available. Please see for details.

Questions, suggestions, feedback?
contact at

New York PHP

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