[nycphp-announce] now at nyphp: Write Reviews and Articles for PHP Magazine

Hans Zaunere noreply at
Sun Feb 22 21:58:12 EST 2004

[sorry for the blank message earlier]

Write Books Reviews and Articles for PHP Magazine

PHP Magazine and New York PHP have partnered to offer our members a unique opportunity for helping the PHP community... and earning a few bucks.  As a NYPHP member, write book reviews and articles for the PHP publication:

-- Book Reviews
   The latest books (some that haven't even been released yet) are sent to your door, free of charge, and reviews are submitted online.

-- Have something to say about these topics?
   1. PHP5's New mysqli extension
   2. DB Management with MySQL GUI tools - special focus on the new
      MySQL Administrator
   4. Taking a project from a blank page and an incoherent set of
      end-user requests and making sense of the madness with good
      object / data modeling and clean reusable code (kind of a 'best
      practices' article).
   5. PHP 4 to PHP 5 - Migration Annoyances: An article that would detail
      in an 'annoyance/solution' manner the migratory issues that developers
      will face when moving from PHP 4 to PHP 5, and their
      respective solutions.

Or, have an interesting topic of your own?  Contact noreply at for more details and to get started.  Compensation is available for accepted articles and reviews.  The next deadline, March 5th, is fast approaching, or contact me for future issues and additional topics.

Thank you,

Hans Zaunere
New York PHP

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