From contact at Sun Jan 4 00:17:31 2004 From: contact at (New York PHP) Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 00:17:31 -0500 Subject: [nycphp-announce] news@nyphp: Jan. Newsletter, New PHundamentals, Free LinuxWorld Passes available for NYPHP Members Message-ID: <> --- It's all at --- Talkback: We have a new meeting program that lets us cover many different topics per meeting. What presentations or demos would you like to see this new year? Let us know at contact at or see for details. New PHundamental Articles in Development ---------------------------------------- Catch the articles and discusion here: NYPHP at LinuxWorld ------------------- NYPHP has Booth #5 in the .org Pavillion and we look forward to seeing you there! Free badges are available - contact contact at if you'd like to help NYPHP at the show. Stay tuned to for details. Save 25% - PHP Magazine in PDF ------------------------------ PHP's premier magazine is now available online in PDF format. The PHP Magazine offers articles from the industry's leading developers and authors and the NYPHP community can save 25%! For complete details: Have something you'd like included in our newsletter? Send it to news at New York PHP News Team From contact at Sun Jan 11 18:11:07 2004 From: contact at (New York PHP) Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 18:11:07 -0500 Subject: [nycphp-announce] next@nyphp: January Meeting: Intro to PostgreSQL; LinuxWorld Free Passes Now Available Message-ID: <> January Meeting Program ----------------------- Complete details at New York PHP is pleased to kick the new year off with an exciting introduction to PostgreSQL. Join core developer and renowned speaker Bruce Momjian as he covers a project that's sparked a new era in Open Source database development. "This talk is perfect for those new to PostgreSQL or people who just want a general introduction to the project. It covers its origins in academia, its movement to Internet-based development, why people choose PostgreSQL, its current usage, and future directions. This is not a technical talk." As always this meeting is free and open to the public - and please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at NYPHP at LinuxWorld ------------------- Complete details at LinuxWorld is fast approaching and our Booth #5 will be where it's at! As a New York PHP member, you're able to reserve free show passes and support PHP in the year's biggest Open Source event. Reserve your pass and help NYPHP, and PHP, make the show great. Join us for free magazines, books, swag, giveaways and discussions with special guests from the Open Source community. Of course, get your questions answered on AMP Technology and application development with PHP. New York PHP is pleased to demonstrate the clew Open Source project. A unique way to communicate online, it combines the best of online forums and mailing lists to deliver new features never seen before in Internet discussion. Stop by for live interactive, demonstrations, documentation, and how you can get involved. See you at the show! New York PHP From contact at Thu Jan 15 13:44:34 2004 From: contact at (New York PHP) Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:44:34 -0500 Subject: [nycphp-announce] NYPHP Healthcare & Benefits; Intro to PostgreSQL; NYC BSD User Group Launched Message-ID: <> NYPHP Healthcare and Benefits ----------------------------- Contact healthcare at if interested. Details: NYPHP is considering offering a benefits package to its members through the use of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). The National Association of Professional Employer Organizations' - - states, "Professional employer organizations (PEOs) enable clients to cost-effectively outsource the management of human resources, employee benefits, payroll and workers' compensation." Netting the whole thing out: interested NYPHP members would, in effect, "work" for two companies (i.e. Tax Id numbers); one would be the PEO, the other their own company. The PEO would provide: health benefits, payroll services, and tax reporting services similar to a fortune 500 benefits package ( see for an example). Interaction with the PEO package occurs through a portal. In order for us to get realistic proposals (e.g. price quotes), we need a show of hands who's interested. If you'd like to explore this option, or have other suggestions for making this a success, please email healthcare at ASAP. As a rough ballpark number ($75,000 annual salary) we're looking at ~ $600/mo individual $975/mo individual+1 $1,200/mo family for Blue Cross PPO Delta Dental Plan Vision Service Plan 60% Salary Short term disability 60% Salary Long term disability $50,000 Life Insurance Payroll service (e.g. direct deposit and tax withholding) Human Resource compliance program Online portal January Meeting Program ----------------------- When: January 27, 2004 at 6:30pm Where: Digital Pulp Details: New York PHP is pleased to kick the new year off with an exciting introduction to PostgreSQL. Join core developer and renowned speaker Bruce Momjian as he covers a project that's sparked a new era in Open Source database development. "This talk is perfect for those new to PostgreSQL or people who just want a general introduction to the project. It covers its origins in academia, its movement to Internet-based development, why people choose PostgreSQL, its current usage, and future directions. This is not a technical talk." As always this meeting is free and open to the public - and please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at NYC BSD *User Group ------------------- >From --- We have initiated a BSD user group in New York City called NYCBUG (pronounced "nice-bug"). There are two goals for this new user group: First, to provide a forum for the many BSD users in New York City to discuss and debate topics of interest to the BSD community. Second, to provide a bridge to users interested in learning more about or expanding their knowledge of the BSD family. Our kick-off event will be a free "birds-of-a-feather" session at LinuxWorld Expo at the Jacob Javits Center on January 22nd at 5:45pm, Room 1E15. We will have a presence at various tables at the expo, including those of BSDMall and New York PHP. Our first presentation, "Secure by Default: Learning from OpenBSD," will be held on Wednesday, February 4th at 7:00pm in the offices of SageSecure, 116 West 23rd Street and 6th Avenue on the fifth floor. To be given by Wes Sonnenreich, author of "Building Linux and OpenBSD Firewalls" and "Network Security Illustrated," this talk will deal with crucial security concepts and best practices for today's computing environments. Subsequent meetings will take place at 7:00pm on the first Wednesday of the month. Our website is located at The site will include a joint documentation project with New York PHP and, focused on providing original documentation to new and experienced BSD users alike. NYCBUG also provides community mailing lists to assist in discussion and learning about the BSD world. Interested users join the mailing list at NYCBUG is open to all interested individuals, including, but not limited to, users of FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, OpenDarwin, Darwin and Mac OSX. Since the origins of Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX in the 1970's, BSD has been a consistent force among the backroom servers of the world, powering internet service providers, hosting firms, and web sites such as Yahoo! and NYCBUG works to assist current users, those interested in learning more about this fundamental operating system family and various other BSD projects, and to provide a channel for community interaction. We look forward to supporting the BSD community in a variety of ways in the coming months and years. Please join us in making NYCBUG a success. From noreply at Mon Jan 19 13:14:43 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 10:14:43 -0800 Subject: [nycphp-announce] nyphp@linuxworld: Are You An Oracle Expert? NYPHP at Booth #5 Message-ID: <> Oracle Installfest Covers PHP ----------------------------- c=1676088&src=1676088&Act=21 Oracle is holding an installfest at LinuxWorld and PHP will be a topic covered. There will be a table at Oracle's booth devoted to Linux developers, and PHP/Oracle programming will be among the discussion. If you've used Oracle and PHP, or just want to share expierences on either topic, contact noreply at to join NYPHP at this exciting event. With Oracle Open Source developers onhand, this is sure to be an informative session for all. Tuesday: Setup and Volunteer Rendezvous --------------------------------------- On Tuesday, two things need to happen. First, those who can help transport material from the East Side of Manhattan (Lex @ 27th Street) to Javits should email noreply at We'll only need a couple of hands - someone who can drive in the city with their car would be a big plus. We'll need to leave for Javits by 3:15pm. At 4:00pm, everyone who will be helping with setup or needs free passes will meet at the Statue of Jacob K. Javits (indoors) in the south section of Javits Center, on the ground level. We're happy for anyone to join us Tuesday but there might or might not be that much to do, depending on how many people show up. What If You Can't Meet Tuesday? What If I Don't Know When I'll Be Available Yet? ------------------------------------------------ If you're unable to be there Tuesday, you can still get a free pass during the rest of the show. Every morning from 7:45am - 8:00am we'll be handing free passes out at the Statue of Jacob k. Javits (indoors) in the south section of Javits Center, on the ground level. Anyone is welcome to join us in the .Org Pavilion at the NYPHP booth - #5. Wander in, say hello, and relax. For instance, you could help answer questions for two hours on one day, and 4 hours on another. Regardless, please donate some time to the community. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Staffing Booth #5 ---------------------------------------------- Anyone is welcome to stop by the table and hang out, although we will need some time commitment so the NYPHP booth isn't empty. Zhou: Wed 8:00 - 12:00 Mataka: Wed 8:00 - 5:00 Antonowicz: Wed 8:00 - 5:00 Zaunere: Wed 8:00 - 5:00 Kushner: Wed 8:00 - 5:00 Hilhorst: Wed 11:30 - 5:00 Jensen: Thu 8:00 - 11:00 Nudelman: Thu 11:00 - 3:00 Zaunere: Thu 1:00 - 5:00 Krook: Fri 8:00 - 4:00 Zaunere: Fri 1:00 - 4:00 DeWitt: Fri 9:30 - 6:00 If you'd like to donate some time, please contact noreply at What To Expect When Staffing Booth #5 ------------------------------------- The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, with most time spent watching people walk around. However, foot traffic and questions can get quite intense at times, so be prepared. There's always need for people to answer questions - feel free to hang around anytime. Common topics include: -- what is PHP? -- what is PHP used for? what can it do? -- why is PHP better than language xxx -- why have I heard PHP sucks and is insecure? -- how can I learn more? -- what is NYPHP? -- how can I learn more about NYPHP? I'd Want To Get Involved Or Bring Swag/Brochures To Booth #5 ------------------------------------------------------------ Great! Email: noreply at Thanks to everyone for their help. See you at the show. --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From noreply at Wed Jan 21 21:21:54 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 18:21:54 -0800 Subject: [nycphp-announce] nyphp@linuxworld Update - See You at Booth #5 Message-ID: <> Today proved to be a phenomenal day. We saw hundreds of people at the table throughout the day and the show is going great. Tomorrow should be another busy day. Thank you to all those that made today such a great time. More tomorrow, --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From noreply at Sun Jan 25 21:34:31 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 18:34:31 -0800 Subject: [nycphp-announce] LinuxWorld Wrap Up; PostgreSQL Meeting Tuesday Message-ID: <> LinuxWorld Wrap Up ------------------ LinuxWorld was a great show, and the interest in PHP was stunning. We answered hundreds of questions and gave tons of information, magazines, books, and other material away to an eager audience. Thank you to those who came by. A special Thank You to those who helped with organization and the booth: Stefan Antonowicz Michael DeWitt Tim Gales Chris Hendry Gert Hilhorst David Jensen Jeff Knight Daniel Krook Daniel Kushner Sonny Mataka Matt Nudelman Jeff Siegel Chris Snyder Matt Terenzio William Zhou As evident from the show, PHP has a bright and exciting future in the Open Source world. New York PHP continues to work hard at helping PHP and AMP Technology gain the recognition it deserves and looks forward to our community's participation. PostgreSQL Meeting Tuesday -------------------------- When: January 27, 2004 at 6:30pm Where: Digital Pulp Details: New York PHP is pleased to kick the new year off with an exciting introduction to PostgreSQL. Join core developer and renowned speaker Bruce Momjian as he covers a project that's sparked a new era in Open Source database development. "This talk is perfect for those new to PostgreSQL or people who just want a general introduction to the project. It covers its origins in academia, its movement to Internet-based development, why people choose PostgreSQL, its current usage, and future directions. This is not a technical talk." As always this meeting is free and open to the public - and please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at Best regards, --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From mjdewitt at Mon Jan 26 10:38:59 2004 From: mjdewitt at (DeWitt, Michael) Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 10:38:59 -0500 Subject: [nycphp-announce] The LinuxWorld Pictures are now available Message-ID: I had a great time and was sad to hear that this may be the last LinuxWorld in New York City. It definitely is my favorite show of the year. These pictures are just of Friday. If you have any pictures of the show you would like to add-in, just send them to me and I will hang them. You can find the pictures here Mike "Now, if you are Mr. Common Sense, you won't believe me when I tell you that I have an envelope that will clean your car on your way to work." From noreply at Mon Jan 26 18:55:42 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 15:55:42 -0800 Subject: [nycphp-announce] Snow, Sleet or Ice: PostgreSQL Meeting Tuesday Message-ID: <> Thank you to all those who have RSVP'd. We've confirmed the speaker and we will be having the meeting tomorrow, regardless of the weather. Meeting details are below for convenience. Thank you, --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP PostgreSQL Meeting Tuesday -------------------------- When: January 27, 2004 at 6:30pm Where: Digital Pulp Details: New York PHP is pleased to kick the new year off with an exciting introduction to PostgreSQL. Join core developer and renowned speaker Bruce Momjian as he covers a project that's sparked a new era in Open Source database development. "This talk is perfect for those new to PostgreSQL or people who just want a general introduction to the project. It covers its origins in academia, its movement to Internet-based development, why people choose PostgreSQL, its current usage, and future directions. This is not a technical talk." As always this meeting is free and open to the public - and please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at From southwell at Tue Jan 27 08:54:21 2004 From: southwell at (Michael Southwell) Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 08:54:21 -0500 Subject: [nycphp-announce] new PHundamentals topic: PHP Initialization Message-ID: <> A new PHundamentals topic, PHP Initialization, is now available at The PHundamentals team: Jeff Siegel and Mike Southwell