[nycphp-announce] nyphp at linuxworld: Are You An Oracle Expert? NYPHP at Booth #5

Hans Zaunere noreply at
Mon Jan 19 13:14:43 EST 2004

Oracle Installfest Covers PHP

Oracle is holding an installfest at LinuxWorld and PHP will be a topic
covered.  There will be a table at Oracle's booth devoted to Linux
developers, and PHP/Oracle programming will be among the discussion.

If you've used Oracle and PHP, or just want to share expierences on
either topic, contact noreply at to join NYPHP at this exciting
event.  With Oracle Open Source developers onhand, this is sure to be
an informative session for all.

Tuesday: Setup and Volunteer Rendezvous

On Tuesday, two things need to happen.  First, those who can help
transport material from the East Side of Manhattan (Lex @ 27th Street)
to Javits should email noreply at  We'll only need a couple
of hands - someone who can drive in the city with their car would be a
big plus.  We'll need to leave for Javits by 3:15pm.

At 4:00pm, everyone who will be helping with setup or needs free passes
will meet at the Statue of Jacob K. Javits (indoors) in the south
section of Javits Center, on the ground level.

We're happy for anyone to join us Tuesday but there might or might not
be that much to do, depending on how many people show up.

What If You Can't Meet Tuesday?
What If I Don't Know When I'll Be Available Yet?

If you're unable to be there Tuesday, you can still get a free pass
during the rest of the show.  Every morning from 7:45am - 8:00am we'll
be handing free passes out at the Statue of Jacob k. Javits (indoors) in
the south section of Javits Center, on the ground level.

Anyone is welcome to join us in the .Org Pavilion at the NYPHP booth -
#5.  Wander in, say hello, and relax.  For instance, you could help
answer questions for two hours on one day, and 4 hours on another.
Regardless, please donate some time to the community.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Staffing Booth #5

Anyone is welcome to stop by the table and hang out, although we will
need some time commitment so the NYPHP booth isn't empty.

Zhou:       Wed 8:00 - 12:00
Mataka:     Wed 8:00 - 5:00
Antonowicz: Wed 8:00 - 5:00
Zaunere:    Wed 8:00 - 5:00
Kushner:    Wed 8:00 - 5:00
Hilhorst:   Wed 11:30 - 5:00

Jensen:     Thu 8:00 - 11:00
Nudelman:   Thu 11:00 - 3:00
Zaunere:    Thu 1:00 - 5:00

Krook:      Fri 8:00 - 4:00
Zaunere:    Fri 1:00 - 4:00
DeWitt:     Fri 9:30 - 6:00

If you'd like to donate some time, please contact noreply at

What To Expect When Staffing Booth #5

The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, with most time spent watching
people walk around.  However, foot traffic and questions can get quite
intense at times, so be prepared.

There's always need for people to answer questions - feel free to hang
around anytime.  Common topics include:

-- what is PHP?
-- what is PHP used for?  what can it do?
-- why is PHP better than language xxx
-- why have I heard PHP sucks and is insecure?
-- how can I learn more?
-- what is NYPHP?
-- how can I learn more about NYPHP?

I'd Want To Get Involved Or Bring Swag/Brochures To Booth #5

Great!  Email:  noreply at

Thanks to everyone for their help.  See you at the show.

Hans Zaunere
New York PHP

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