[nycphp-announce] Firefox Release Party this Friday

New York PHP noreply at
Tue Nov 16 21:07:51 EST 2004

The release of Firefox 1.0 has been a great leap forward for open source, Mozilla, and web technology.  Just like when Mozilla 1.0 was released, the local technical crowd will be getting together for a release party this Friday, November 19th, at the Remote Lounge.

The last release party was a lot of fun, and I look forward to meeting up with NYPHP folks this time around, too.

Full details and RSVP:

Join NYPHP and dozens of New York's techs this Friday.

Then, one month from now, don't forget the New York Technical Community Holiday Party on December 15th.

Be sure to RSVP if you will be attending.  Because of the size of the holiday party, you will not be allowed in unless your name is listed.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder
New York PHP

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