[nycphp-announce] conferences at nyphp: CodeWorks with Special Discount - Yahoo Open Hack Day

New York PHP hostmaster at
Tue Sep 8 12:18:06 EDT 2009

Welcome to Fall, and the rise of a great event line-up...

We've got another full Fall schedule and are pleased to kick it off with two
conferences in October, including a special discount for NYPHP members.

CodeWorks 2009
Sunday, Oct 4th - Monday Oct 5th
New York Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge

Join core developers, community leaders, authors and of course fellow NYPHP
members at this exciting multi-city tour de PHP.  Plus, stay tuned for an
exciting social event to mingle with the presenters.

We've been able to lock in a special across the board $50 discount for our
members (it'll even discount already discounted pricing!).  Use code
JDWJ-Q1GE-7N4G when registering.

Full details and to register:

Register now to lock in these discounts and we'll see you there!

Yahoo! Open Hack Day NYC, The Developer Conference
Friday, Oct 9, 8:30 am - Saturday, Oct 10, 5:00 pm
Millennium Broadway Hotel, New York, NY

Join us in Times Square for two full days of learning, hacking, networking,
and fun.  At the Friday conference, we'll introduce the latest developer
tools and services from Yahoo!.  A full day of tech talks, hands-on
workshops, and thought-provoking topics will cover technologies you can use
on Yahoo! and beyond.

The 24-hour Hack Day kicks off Friday afternoon. The hack space is open all
night and experts will be on hand to answer questions. Bring yourself and
your ideas or find a team to work with when you get there. On Saturday
afternoon, hackers will demo their working code in the plush Hudson Theater
for a chance at glory and some cool prizes.

Top-notch technologies, plenty of food, and two full days to meet up with
other developers and see what's cooking at Yahoo!.  And it's all free!
Register now for a spot at Open Hack Day NYC.

Full details and to register for this FREE event:
(Please add "Robyn" in the "registration code" to secure your spot)

Plus, we'll be back with some more announcements, including a new site,
PHundamentals, projects, and more meetings.  Stay tuned.

New York PHP User Group Community

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