From hostmaster at Fri Apr 9 15:14:24 2010 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 15:14:24 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] monday@nyphp: BOF 2 - PHP/MySQL - The Dynamic Duo for a Dynamic Web Message-ID: <001e01cad818$ddabf7d0$9903e770$@com> The Bootup Open Forum initiative provides the technical concepts and insights that are crucial for inventing opportunity and driving innovation. Through partnerships with the technical community, BOFs are lead by subject matter experts, and designed to deliver vital information in a succinct yet interactive one-hour format. Learn more and view future and past BOFs online: BOF #2: PHP & MySQL - The Dynamic Duo for a Dynamic Web Introduction to dynamic web pages with PHP and MySQL ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Monday April 12th at 6:30PM Location: Hive at 55, 55 Broad Street, New York, NY (13th Floor) RSVP Required: See for details - all attendees MUST RSVP This free seminar will introduce attendees to the basics of dynamic web pages with PHP and MySQL and the LAMP stack. Held in conjunction with the New York PHP User Community and lead by Managing Member Hans Zaunere, BOF #2: PHP and MySQL - The Dynamic Duo for a Dynamic Web will introduce the basic concepts of generating dynamic web pages, the two de-facto technologies used to do so, and some of the actual programming code that makes the web such a dynamic place. Read about the concepts covered, RSVP and learn more about BOFs at Special thanks to Hive at 55 ( for providing a great space with free wireless internet access. --- New York PHP From hostmaster at Mon Apr 12 10:59:01 2010 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 10:59:01 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] next@nyphp: Hacking PHP for Fun and Profit Message-ID: <022b01cada50$afaa4190$0efec4b0$@com> April General Meeting: Hacking PHP for Fun and Profit PHP Internals and the C behind your PHP --------------------------------------- Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) It's April and we're pleased to spring into summer with LIPHP president and PHP hacker Justin Dearing, to show us that there's more to PHP than first meets the eye. Most people in NYPHP can write in PHP. After all we are a PHP user group. However, have you ever wanted to be one of the few and the proud that actually help to write PHP itself. Justin Dearing will take you on a journey from submitting a bug, to writing a test to prove the bug exists, to fixing the bug on your machine. Finally he will show you how to submit that bug fix to be considered for addition to PHP itself. While hacking on the PHP core codebase requires a working knowledge of C, non C programmers will benefit from learning how to write formal PHP tests, and submit proper bugs. Justin Dearing started his IT career in December of 2002 as the third shift iSeries operator at InVision, now MindShift. Since then he has held a variety of positions, and shifted from the operations to the development side of the house. He is a PHP5 certified engineer. Justin runs the Long Island PHP User Group. Justin blogs about programming on and his twitter updates can be followed from Read the full description and RSVP at Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public. Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP now! --- New York PHP User Group Community From hostmaster at Mon Apr 19 12:01:23 2010 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:01:23 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] next@nyphp: HipHop for PHP Message-ID: <02bd01cadfd9$8ee9e170$acbda450$@com> April General Meeting: HipHop for PHP Exploring Facebook's Hip New Version of PHP ------------------------------------------- Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) This April, we're pleased to welcome special guest and Facebook Open Source Advocate Scott MacVicar speak on what could be one of the more significant developments in PHP in recent memory - HipHop for PHP. HipHop is a specialized and highly optimized version of PHP that serves the massive traffic of the very hip Facebook. So yes - hop over to this meeting and stay hip with the latest PHP trends. HipHop transforms PHP source code into highly optimized C++ and then compiles it using g++. It allows developers to continue writing complex logical directly with PHP but leverages the speed benefits of C++. HipHop is more than just a theoretical exercise and currently powers the majority of Facebook servers. This session will cover using HipHop and some of the code changes required to use it. Scott MacVicar has contributed various extensions and improvements to the PHP core over the past few years. If something is wrong with fileinfo, JSON or SQLite3 it's likely something he did. He is also the current President of the PHP London Usergroup and presents frequently at conferences on databases, caching and scaling. Scott is also the admin for the Google Summer of Code program and has written numerous PHP articles. When not connected to the internet, Scott runs marathons and cooks! Read the full description and RSVP at Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public. Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP now! --- New York PHP User Group Community From hostmaster at Mon Apr 19 12:19:38 2010 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:19:38 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] next@nyphp: HipHop for PHP Message-ID: <02c901cadfdc$1c2c39a0$5484ace0$@com> [IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a change-up from our original April Meeting and you'll need to RSVP again - Justin will be in May and we thank him for his flexibility!] April General Meeting: HipHop for PHP Exploring Facebook's Hip New Version of PHP ------------------------------------------- Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) This April, we're pleased to welcome special guest and Facebook Open Source Advocate Scott MacVicar speak on what could be one of the more significant developments in PHP in recent memory - HipHop for PHP. HipHop is a specialized and highly optimized version of PHP that serves the massive traffic of the very hip Facebook. So yes - hop over to this meeting and stay hip with the latest PHP trends. HipHop transforms PHP source code into highly optimized C++ and then compiles it using g++. It allows developers to continue writing complex logical directly with PHP but leverages the speed benefits of C++. HipHop is more than just a theoretical exercise and currently powers the majority of Facebook servers. This session will cover using HipHop and some of the code changes required to use it. Scott MacVicar has contributed various extensions and improvements to the PHP core over the past few years. If something is wrong with fileinfo, JSON or SQLite3 it's likely something he did. He is also the current President of the PHP London Usergroup and presents frequently at conferences on databases, caching and scaling. Scott is also the admin for the Google Summer of Code program and has written numerous PHP articles. When not connected to the internet, Scott runs marathons and cooks! Read the full description and RSVP at Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public. Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP now! --- New York PHP User Group Community From hostmaster at Mon Apr 26 08:15:12 2010 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 08:15:12 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] TOMORROW@nyphp: HipHop for PHP Message-ID: <007001cae53a$1f720370$5e560a50$@com> [ IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a change-up from our original April Meeting and you'll need to RSVP again - Justin will be in May and we thank him for his flexibility! ] April General Meeting: HipHop for PHP Exploring Facebook's Hip New Version of PHP ------------------------------------------- Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) This April, we're pleased to welcome special guest and Facebook Open Source Advocate Scott MacVicar speak on what could be one of the more significant developments in PHP in recent memory - HipHop for PHP. HipHop is a specialized and highly optimized version of PHP that serves the massive traffic of the very hip Facebook. So yes - hop over to this meeting and stay hip with the latest PHP trends. HipHop transforms PHP source code into highly optimized C++ and then compiles it using g++. It allows developers to continue writing complex logical directly with PHP but leverages the speed benefits of C++. HipHop is more than just a theoretical exercise and currently powers the majority of Facebook servers. This session will cover using HipHop and some of the code changes required to use it. Scott MacVicar has contributed various extensions and improvements to the PHP core over the past few years. If something is wrong with fileinfo, JSON or SQLite3 it's likely something he did. He is also the current President of the PHP London Usergroup and presents frequently at conferences on databases, caching and scaling. Scott is also the admin for the Google Summer of Code program and has written numerous PHP articles. When not connected to the internet, Scott runs marathons and cooks! Read the full description and RSVP at Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public. Date: April 27th, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp) Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP) Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm) You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP now! --- New York PHP User Group Community