[nycphp-announce] phpbb at nyphp: Libertyvasion Conference, August 20-21

New York PHP hostmaster at
Mon Aug 9 08:51:29 EDT 2010

For all things phpBB, we welcome the Libertyvasion Conference to New York.
Stop by and we'll see you there.

The popular open-source phpBB forum software is holding its phpBB
Libertyvasion Conference on August 20th & 21st in the Times Square Area.
There are intentions to create phpBB 4 from scratch using the Symfony 2
Framework & Doctrine 2, so we split the event into a workshop day on Friday,
20th focusing on Symfony, Doctrine & Git and the main phpBB conference on
Saturdy, 21st with talks from key figures in the phpBB community.

The workshop day will start with introductory talks by our invited guests
Fabien Potencier (Symfony Lead Developer), Jonathan Wage (Doctrine & Symfony
Developer), Stefan Koopmanschap (Symfony Community Manager) and David Soria
Parra (Git, Mercurial & PHP Contributor). The afternoon can then be used to
work on individual projects with the help of the attending experts or simply
to discuss ideas with them.

Further information on the conference is available at:

The full schedule for both days can be found at:

Tickets are only $100.00 for the workshop day and $20.00 for the conference
day. Please register in advance! You can also join us for the Social Event
on the evening of Saturday, 21st (no admission), but please make sure to
register in advance!

New York PHP Community

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