[nycphp-announce] tuesday at bootup: BPI - What's your Business Programming Interface?

noreply at noreply at
Mon Apr 18 03:37:15 EDT 2011

BOF #5
BPI: What's your Business Programming Interface?
Stitching together the social - and mobile - Web 3.0

         Date: Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: Hive at 55, 55 Broad Street, New York, NY 
     Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)
 Post-Meeting: Stick around for post-event networking.

 Watch Online:

Bootup Open Forum (BOF) sessions deliver key technical concepts and insights
from leading subject matter experts. BOFs cover fundamental to advanced
topics, and we invite companies, communities and experts to contact us to
lead their own session.

For details and to RSVP:

iCanApp is a stealth startup backed by two Fortune 50 companies, working to
create innovative technologies that can connect the world in a new way
through apps. Led by Michael De'Shazer, director of engineering at iCanApp,
BOF #5: BPI: What's your Business Programming Interface? will explore
methods for using social networking technologies to foster business growth
in a world of ever-changing trends and tech.

Concepts Covered:
 - What's a BPI and why you should care.
 - Technologies and trends seem to be changing faster than ever. Why this is
 - 6 Sigma is old BPI. The new BPI is all about adjusting consistently.
 - BPI: a formula for consistently changing technologies.
 - How to choose which APIs to use for your businesses' BPI.
 - Using other companies' social networking technologies: Why/ When / How?
 - Establishing your BPI.
 - Beware of strategic partners, and use your BPI to attract the right ones.
 - Maintaining your BPI.
 - Growing your business with a good BPI.
 - Facebook, a case study of a successful BPI.

Michael De'Shazer leads engineering at iCanApp and will talk about using
APIs and social networking technologies to enhance your company's BPI to
build a better community and growth-rate around your business.

Michael Zurkhulen leads business development at iCanApp and will discuss the
importance of software developers and brands working together in a new
social web landscape, and how to establish and maintain that delicate

These are interactive events, and attendees are encouraged to ask relevant
questions and utilize their own laptop during the session. Laptops, however,
are not required.

BOFs are free and open to the public, however seats are limited - RSVP is

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