From noreply at Mon Oct 1 11:54:11 2012 From: noreply at (New York PHP) Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 22:54:11 +0700 Subject: [nycphp-announce] TONIGHT@nyphp: Introduction to Symfony2 Message-ID: Special Meeting Introduction to Symfony2 A look at PHP framework Symfony2 --------------------------------------------------------------- Date: MONDAY, October 1st, 2012 at 7:00PM (sharp) Location: SailThru (12th fl), 160 Varick St. New York, NY 10013 RSVP Required: Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks location to be announced at the meeting. As a special presentation, we welcome Juozas Kaziukenas to give us the latest on a key PHP framework, Symfony2. If you don't know what Symfony2 is, you *have* to come, you can even ignore the remainder of this abstract. On the other hand, you might have heard of this new framework called Symfony2, but never got a chance to use it. This talk goes through the main futures and benefits of Symfony2 framework and most importantly tries to apply them to practical use cases and how those would be solved. In the end, you'll leave with a better understanding of why this framework (arguably) currently has the fastest growing user base and very likely you'll join it too. Juozas, or as everyone calls him Joe, is an experienced and talented (some say) young professional, entrepreneur and evangelist. Focusing on bringing IT solutions to non-technical businesses, like retail, he works on optimizing their processeses and using cutting-edge research to solve hard problems and grow sales. When not working, Joe finds time to contribute to open-source projects and movements to improve interoperability and platform independence. His hands-on practice with collection of different technologies, programming languages and environments allows him to deliver unbiased and practical presentations in all kind of different topics. Date: MONDAY, October 1st, 2012 at 7:00PM (sharp) Location: SailThru (12th fl), 160 Varick St. New York, NY 10013 RSVP Required: Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks location to be announced at the meeting. --- New York PHP Meetup Group