[nycphp-jobs] Looking for work

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Mon Dec 13 10:58:55 EST 2004

Hello Everyone,

I have been working from home telecomuting and i have also been doing
some freelance work.    I am looking to find some stable full time
work.  I have no problems putting in 40-50 hours of work per week.  I
can program with either PHP 4 or 5 and i have OO experience.  For more
information reguarding past projects i have worked on feel free to
contact me.

I know that many people are skeptical to hire a telecommuter however i
will sign any contract you wish to have signed and gurantee up to a
year of service.  I limit it to a year however if things work well i
will have no problems extending any contracts.

Pay is negotiable but please note i will not work for minimum wage.  I
dont think anyone here would expect that of anyone.

Please contact me off list for any inquiries.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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