[nycphp-jobs] object oriented PHP guru needed

Freeman, Joshua j at
Fri Feb 20 15:01:34 EST 2004


The NY Botanical garden uses KE Emu (from to
manage it's herbaria collections.  KE Emu is a complex, sophisticated object
database application with a rich windows-OS gui.  Sadly, it is closed


Emu has a built in web-portal tool for sharing database data built in

We are in the process of putting together a demo version of our web portal
and need help with customization...

KE provides a lot of PHP files out of the box but it's up to us to customize
and thus we need your help.

We're seeking someone with deep OO PHP-fu, solid understanding of Object
Databases and good design/information architecture instincts.

We envision this work lasting anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks depending on the
usual variables...

To begin with, you would work on site here with us in the Bronx but I can
imagine you working off-site some too.. BUT.. you MUST be based in the NY
metro area.  Metro north comes right to the garden.  Also, there's ample
parking if you drive.  Lastly, the D train is not far away from here.

Please contact me ASAP with a your rates (hopefully they're negotiable..
we're a poor but eminently respeced and referencable non-profit)  resume,
code samples/online examples of your work, and references.

We wish to begin asap.



::           Joshua S. Freeman          ::
::  NYBG Director of Computer Services  :: 
::             718 817 8937             ::
::           jfreeman at          ::

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