[nycphp-jobs] [Fwd: [PHP-EVANGELISM] Hiring a Developer in Orlando -Full Time Employemnt]

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sat Jan 31 17:24:51 EST 2004

Sorry about this folks.  It snuck by as a valid job offer at first glance.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: jobs-bounces at 
> [mailto:jobs-bounces at] On Behalf Of Brian and 
> Doris Fargher
> Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 12:50 PM
> To: jobs at
> Subject: [nycphp-jobs] [Fwd: [PHP-EVANGELISM] Hiring a 
> Developer in Orlando -Full Time Employemnt]
> The easiest and most effective place to meet people seeking 
> Jesus (John
> 12:21) is in their own homes. Consider the advantages: (1) an 
> endless number
> of contacts; (2) every contact is successful; (3) Outsiders feel most
> comfortable on their own turf; (4) you can contact them 
> repeatedly; (5) the
> whole family is contacted; (6) a neighbourhood is saturated; 
> (7) individuals
> can  do it; (8) teams can do it; (9) churches can do it; (10) 
> it is highly
> cost effective.
> So what's the problem? The problem is that such preaching is either a
> delight or a disaster. To maximize its potential it must be 
> done well. Many
> people would like to do it, talk about doing it, even plan to 
> do it, but
> they don't know how. Lots have tried, failed and given up. I 
> invite you to
> learn how to do home-to-home evangelism successfully.
> My book, "Outreach Insights," shows how to do home-to-home evangelism
> effectively. It is 413 pages of very practical advice gained 
> from 50 years
> of ministry.
> Cost: US$20 plus postage, to anywhere in the world. (Do not 
> send any money
> yet.)
> To order, or for queries: bdfargher at
> Kindest regards in Jesus' name,
> Brian L. Fargher, B.D.(London), M.Th.(Vancouver), Ph.D (Aberdeen)
> Executive Director, Urban Missionaries' Association of Canada
> <<>>
> Genuine Kiwi! Missionary with SIM in Ethiopia for almost 30 
> yrs. On staff
> with Campus Crusade in Canada for 18 years.
> PS Please pass this email on to your friends who are interested in
> introducing Jesus to those who are seeking Him (John 12:21).
> _______________________________________________
> jobs mailing list
> jobs at

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