[nycphp-jobs] PHP OO Developer Position

Jeffrey Barrett jbarrett at
Thu Jun 1 11:06:47 EDT 2006

If you were at the recent NYPHP meeting and found QEDWiki interesting and/or you're a solid PHP developer we need to talk. At Schematic we constantly face the challenge of making technology support new and adventurous user interfaces for our clients and we generate proven scalable solutions to these problems every day. We need to once again grow our PHP team to support more challenging projects; we are looking for well rounded extremely competent and confident developers.


Please read the following job posting and if this position sounds interesting, send us an email.


Schematic, one of the nation's leading interactive agencies, is seeking a world-class PHP Object-Oriented Software Developer to join our New York team.  Headquartered in Los Angeles with offices in New York and Atlanta, we provide award-winning user interface, design and technology solutions for the Web, advanced devices and television. Schematic develops across a wide array of platforms including set-top boxes, game consoles, mobile devices, and the Internet. We have recently developed projects with EA, Microsoft, Amp'd, Comcast, Fox, Intel, Motorola, and MTV, among others.


Software Developers lead and work with project teams to architect, design, and develop systems.  Ideal candidates will have a minimum of 5 years experience in PHP creating large-scale web applications within a LAMP environment (at Schematic MYSQL, Postgres, Oracle, PHP, Python, and Ruby all count in the suite for LAMP experience). Experience with PHP 5 objects and the SPL is preferred, but we will consider strong OO developers in languages like Python and Java who have had relevant PHP exposure. We cannot stress enough the importance of being very comfortable with OO; from Flash to .NET every discipline within our technology group works in OO based languages. You must be able to architect complex applications and abstract object models, write well-structured classes, and have a solid working knowledge of the principals of OO and design/analysis patterns. Being able to communicate your OO designs with UML is an important skill when working at Schematic. 


An excellent grasp of SQL is a must as well as creating and maintaining sophisticated databases and tables and handling database transactions. Having worked with templating systems like Smarty, dealt with application scaling by caching, implemented session and user authentication systems, and experienced providing and ingesting web services including SOAP and RSS are all important skills for this position. Development experience using other programming languages like Perl, Java, Ruby, ActionScript, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, are definite pluses.


While we have a solid group of system administrators we prefer candidates that are comfortable working within and administrating a LAMP install thus, you must be comfortable working from the Linux command line. You need to understand how PHP works within the Apache web server and how modules like mod_rewrite work. You should have experience administering relational databases like MYSQL and Postgres.


Our technical organization is centered on team-based production scenarios, thus using CVS or subversion and bug reporting tools such as Mantis is an important part of our daily lives. Test first methodologies or unit tests should be something you are doing and plan to continue doing when you work for Schematic. You should be comfortable speaking about the work your doing to different technical organizations and non-technical staff.




- Participation in all aspects of the development life cycle (design, implement, test, document, and deploy)

- Maintain high standards of quality for code, documentation, and deliverables

- Work with project managers and development teams to create timelines/schedules

- Interact with business teams and clients to provide technical expertise and feedback

- Evaluate new technologies/tools as needed

- Mentor junior developers

- Maintain and update codebases for legacy applications

- Clearly communicate technical ideas and decisions to both technical and non-technical audiences


Applicants should email techjobsny at schematic dot com with a resume in plain text, RTF or PDF (no other formats will be opened). Include a cover letter outlining your skills and experience in the email. This position is full-time/permanent, on-site in our New York office. No out-of-town candidates will be considered. No recruiters please. 



Jeff Barrett 
Senior Software Developer 

41 E. 11th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10003

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