[nycphp-jobs] squid configuration

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Tue Aug 28 08:28:18 EDT 2007

Hi there:

I'm the lead technologist for an online store whose traffic needs  
have increased recently.

We've recently added a second server which I would like to use to  
serve up our images statically using squid.  I need some help  
installing and configuring squid to pull images automatically from  
our main server.  Our server is running Redhat Enterprise Linux 4,  
and we'd like to run the latest stable version of squid.

I realize this is a small gig, but if anyone's got a spare afternoon  
(or whatever you need), and has the necessary knowledge, please  
contact me at suzerain at

Reply with a quick explanation of your experience, and your hourly rate.


Marc Vose

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