[nycphp-jobs] LAMP developer needed for CMS (Joomla) work

Luke Schnirring luke at
Mon Oct 15 11:27:47 EDT 2007

Midtown Manhattan B2B magazine publisher seeks LAMP developer to join  
and become integral member of online content team.  The ideal  
candidate will contribute to the development of Joomla 1.0.x CMS  
components, modules, mambots, and templates - requiring PHP 5 and  
mySQL 4.1 chops as well tight html and css skills.  Areas of  
development will span ongoing maintenance and workflow optimization  
projects as well as time sensitive development relating to sponsored  
content and microsites.

At this time three of our publications have been migrated to Joomla  
with four more transitioning by end of year.  Parallel to this effort  
is the development of online content and email blast ticketing tools  
for integration with PHPList for a 100k+ user base.  These tools will  
support the circulation, editorial, and marketing departments.  We  
also have a long list of exciting features to be worked on once the  
nuts and bolts work is completed.

Become part of this energetic team that rounds out the efforts of a  
company with over thirty years in the hi-tech/engineering publishing  
field. This position reports to the (hands on) Technology Director.   
Competitive salary is commensurate with experience.

If interested, email luke at

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