[nycphp-jobs] AppNexus looking for a senior web developer

Mike Nolet mike at
Fri Oct 19 16:30:08 EDT 2007

AppNexus is looking for an experienced web developer to build our  
customer interface. We need a mature, driven and independent engineer  
who will thrive in a fast-paced startup environment.

AppNexus is a funded startup that is developing and marketing  
enterprise-grade internet based application hosting and management  
systems to support companies that need geographically-distributed,  
redundant and virtualized infrastructure. Each of our datacenter  
locations is a Nexus where application developers and service  
providers can work together without the latency or reliability issues  
of going out over the public Internet. This enables applications to  
leverage more services (and more complicated services) without  
impacting performance.

You will be responsible for building out a web-portal that will  
enable our customers to manage their virtual datacenter deployments.  
Of course we would love it if you had a couple years of experience  
under your belt and had the requisite PHP/MySQL/AJAX/JS buzzwords on  
your resume -- but what we really care about is your ability to  
deliver a top-notch customer portal in a really tight time-frame.  
This means experience working in rapid development environment and  
the knowledge & skill to architect a flexible solution that  
integrates many moving parts.

If you think you have the drive and skills we need please send your  
resume with a cover-letter to jobs at 

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