[nycphp-jobs] islooking for a tech lead

someecards staff jobs at
Sat Apr 26 16:07:39 EDT 2008

Hi, is only a year old and already has large and growing traffic,
lots of great press, and a fan base that can only be described as deeply
passionate or slightly psychotic. You'll be coming in at the ground level
and have an integral role in developing the vision for this site--helping to
turn it into a complete communication platform. Applicants must be located
in NYC, be fully dedicated to taking the site and brand to the next level,
and have little or no fashion sense.

Required Skills:
- Expert knowledge of PHP 5, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Expert knowledge of relational database design and deployment for dynamic
DB driven sites using MySQL 5
- Strong understanding of HTML design capabilities and constraints of
various platforms and browsers
- Minimum of 3 years of STRONG Object Oriented Design and Programming
- MVC/tiered architectures
- Skilled frontend (AJAX)
- Experience with Apache, SVN, SSH, etc.

Additional Considerations:
- An understanding of Ad serving, optimization and reporting.
- Experience managing email lists and large email sends
- Understanding of CANSPAM compliance
- Experience building e-commerce/transactional functionality
- Experience building login/registration functionality and managing user
- Experience with SEO

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