[nycphp-jobs] Freelance Remote PHP/MySQL gig with about 5+ yrs

Steve Manes smanes at
Sat Aug 9 15:20:38 EDT 2008

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> There are some on this list who've previously said that "the market" 
> will take care of situations where people want to pay low wages to 
> programmers.  One of the ways that "the market" might do this, 
> theoretically, is to make sure that people find out the hard way, when 
> they hire cheap programmers

I'm just not sure that's a lesson that can be learned by singling out 
one programmer for critical review.  Anyone who's been in this business 
for a few years has heard the nightmare outsourcing stories and knows 
that the market for software talent works pretty much the same as it 
does buying a TV or a hamburger: caveat emptor.  If they choose to 
ignore it, well, that's who lottery tickets are made for.

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