[nycphp-jobs] job: Sr. PHP developer - startup - Union Square NYC

Brian Dailey brian at
Thu Jul 17 12:55:11 EDT 2008

Exactly, I'm going to second that. This is the sort of post that would 
get my attention if I were looking for a full-time position.

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- Brian

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Information architecture, application development.
phone: (917) 512-3594
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Steve Manes wrote:
> Jaz-Michael King wrote:
>> Change of pace: I run a small Web shop (six people) inside a 300 employee
>> non-profit health care quality improvement company. I need a PHP/MySQL 
>> Web
>> developer to work on report cards that educate the public on which
>> hospitals, health plans, nursing homes and the like perform better than
>> others.
>  > ...
> FWIW, this is a good job post.  It's conversational, personal and sounds 
> like a human being on the other end, not a skillset data dump.  It tells 
> me what I'd be doing.  It gives me information about the company and the 
> commitment of its management.  It reveals the salary range and benefits. 
>  The salary and demographics don't work for me but that's fine.  They 
> haven't wasted my time and I'm not going to waste theirs.
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