[nycphp-jobs] RESUME of Senior Developer

J J j2006riv at
Fri Jul 25 01:02:12 EDT 2008

PHP/MySQL Developer

NY Resident | US Citizen

Asking 105-115k


To work with a progressive team of designers, developers, and business
associates that are dedicated to the latest technologies and geared
towards advanced rich web applications for commercial and/or corporate
use. My goal is to continue to develop Internet applications by extending
and re-using open source technologies and frameworks that allow for true
rapid application design and development.


Ø Languages: Object-Oriented PHP (w/ MVC), C#, VB.NET, ASP/ASP.NET,
XML/XSL, OO JavaScript, ActionScript (to 3.0), XHTML, advanced CSS, Web
Services, AJAX, some Ruby on Rails

Ø Frameworks/Technology: PHP Frameworks (knowledge of Zend, symfony,
CakePHP, etc) .NET 1-3.x JavaScript/AJAX Frameworks: understanding of
JQuery, Dojo, prototype, mootools,, and JSON

Ø Platforms: Linux (Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS; shell and root
responsibilities); Vista, XP, Server(NT to 2003) Mac OS 10.x & OS 9; Web
Servers: Apache 1.3 and 2.2.x, IIS 1-6

Ø RDBMS: MySQL (3-5.x), Microsoft SQL Server (4.21-2005), PostgreSQL,
SQLite, Access

Ø Development Tools: Zend Studio 5.x-6.x , Visual Studio (1.0 to 2008),
Eclipse Web/MultimediaTools: Dreamweaver (1 to CS3), Flash (1 to
CS3)/Flex, various text and XML editors. All of Adobe CS1-C3 (motion
graphics, web/print graphics, audio/video, PDF); many others


Since the beginning of my career I have been focused on both design and
development within a data-driven environment. I have maintained a leading-edge
skill set in the best graphics and development tools for over 15 years,
and I have a proven track record for mastering new technology very
quickly. I started out as a front-end/ database developer and DBA, but I
also create high-gloss applications and presentations with the latest
web, graphics, multi-media and audio/video software. I have a very unique
set of skills that I am constantly expanding on and sharing with others.
I have a strong understanding of Internet protocols and Web standards.
Efficiency, reliability, and professionalism are my top concerns. I
develop cross-platform, cross-browser solutions with the utmost concern
for compatibility, problem-solving, and a rich user experience.


XXXXX, Manhattan, NY 03-1995 to present

Lead Technologist / Senior Developer

  * I started my own consulting company that has served many new media
    Internet ventures and corporate Intranet enterprise clients. Along
    the way I created a video training company that creates DVD-ROM and
    online training that has sold to 10,000’s of customers in over 44
    countries around the world. I have hired different freelance and
    consulting talent to help me on various projects and worked within
    small and large teams of developers and business users. Our clients
    include world-class Fortune 500 companies, artists, and small to
    large media companies. As a developer, I lead by example, but I have
    also managed many different projects outlined below:

XXXXX, New York City, NY

Consultant / Lead Developer (OO PHP/MySQL, Drupal, Joomla, ActionScript
2/3.0, Unix Shell)

  * Developed and www. from client specifications
    using Drupal 5.7, Joomla, and custom PHP/MySQL coding techniques (CSS,
    XHTML, SEO, Apache configuration, MySQL database creation and
    modification). Created all graphics from designers PSD files. Rewrote
    an open source video component for uploading, viewing, and commenting
    on gallery videos. Enhanced admin features within Joomla and several

  * Other duties at Sharpe Partners, included: Updating a custom OO PHP
    backend MVC micro-site ( for an online contest; Wrote a
    custom AS 2.0 Flash text component to allow designers to create
    dynamic text-based SWF modules (dynamically read XML, allowed rich
    HTML and UI templates).

  * Made server configuration changes, including MySQL, Apache config,
    and PHP.ini settings; Admin responsibilities with all MySQL servers;
    Full control (ssh root access) over Unix Dev/Production servers and
    admin duties. Developed on both Mac OS 10.x and Vista/XP development
    machines, and Linux shell development. Helped design and coordinate
    rich HTML mailings for the Western Union client.

XXXXX, New York City, NY

Senior Developer/Unix Admin (OO PHP/MySQL, MVC CakePHP, Ruby on Rails,
Unix Shell)

  * Responsible for creating design and development specifications for (a social network site currently in alpha).
    Researched and partially implemented various technologies for the
    site requirements, including: Ruby on Rails, symphony, CakePHP, and
    various JavaScript/AJAX frameworks.

  * Created MySQL 5 database backend objects and SQL queries (over 80

  * Installed, compiled, and managed several server technologies from the
    Unix shell with root privileges, including: compiling and updating
    MySQL, PHP, Java JDK, Tomcat 5.5, and Apache 2.2; Ruby on Rails,
    ffmpeg, ImageMagick and supporting libraries; and many others.

  * Managed other domain admin responsibilities, including mail, DNS,
    subdomains, Apache configuration, user access, backups, and mailing
    lists of a CentOS 5 Unix server using CPanel and manual

XXXXX, New York City; Munich, Germany

Lead Developer, Media Expert, Trainer, Business Development (C# .NET, PHP,

  * Developed the web site, security features, online
    store, and online training library in ASP.NET 2.0 and PHP with MySQL
    and MS SQL Server 2000/2005 back-end using stored procedures.

  * Created entire brand from logo, trademarks, copy, all other graphics,
    and marketing material. Produced each training DVD-ROM training
    title, including packaging and all projects (over 300 training

  * Created and managed newsletter using rich html content. Developed
    video player software in Flash and Director and automation routines
    for video processing and title production using C#/VB.NET and PHP.

  * Recorded, edited, encoded, and processed each audio and video file.

  * Created partnerships and promotions with Autodesk, Totally Hip
    Software, Creative Arts and Paragon Publishing, as well as, various
    distributors, affiliates, and other third parties.

XXXXX Montclair, New Jersey

Freelance Web Development (PHP / MySQL)

  * Developed the PHP/MySQL e-commerce site for artist Dorian Vallejo.
    Created and integrated a custom high-resolution Flash image viewer
    with PHP. Developed administration CMS screens to upload and manage
    galleries of JPEG drawing files and transactions connected with a
    custom shopping cart.

Mercedes Benz, Munich Germany

Intranet Developer (PHP & ASP.NET)

  * Provided consulting and training in various PHP open source packages,
    including PHPBB, VBulletin, Drupal, and PHP MVC frameworks (research
    of CakePHP, symfony, Zend Framework).

XXXXX, Philadelphia, PA

Freelance Web Development

  * Created e-commerce functionality with PHP/MySQL. Developed a secure
    online Flash Video player with authentication using a database
    catalog of video streaming from a secure location.

TAK, Thompson Multimedia, Munich, Germany

Interactive Television Developer

  * Developed XML/XSL and ASP/Database/CSS content for an interactive
    television platform. Developed Flash games and VBScript processes to
    produce content for a Windows CE enabled widescreen TV.

BlueBeanBag Inc., Union, New Jersey

Freelance Web Developer

  * Created ASP/MS SQL Server pages for an online game site with
    Shockwave/Flash integration for scoring, user management, and site
    CMS. Responsible for writing ASP database connectivity.

Deutsche Bank / ProgSys Consulting, New York City

Front-end and Database Consultant

  * Created SQL Server 2000 OLAP databases and Visual Basic COM control
    integration. Developed a survey engine using ASP/MS SQL Server 2000
    web pages that utilized the OLAP Control. Produced
    documentation/training that also served as an article in Visual Basic

Prudential Securities, (, New York City

Lead Intranet Developer

  * Created an advanced Internet Explorer DHTML Intranet application that
    made use of advanced CSS and DOM effects using JavaScript. Created
    entire ASP/ADO/MS SQL Server integration. Produced initial
    specifications, documentation, and VB COM Business objects for
    various human resources applications.

Prudential Insurance, Newark, NJ

Software Developer

  * Create a Visual Basic text editor and DLL printer driver integration
    for an Insurance policy generator. Application created hard-copy
    policy documents and prospective from database fields and formulas.

AT&T Inc., Bedminster, NJ

Intranet Developer and DBA

  * Created VBScript and Unix Shell Scripts for data cleansing scripts
    for billions of relational customer calling records within Microsoft
    SQL Server and gigabyte-sized data files received from FTP.

Time Magazine Inc. (Time Warner), Manhattan, NY 01-1994 to 03-1995

Systems Analyst / Developer (Sybase, Visual Basic, C/C++, Perl)

  * My main responsibilities were to develop front-end screens in Visual
    Basic/PowerBuilder and to create and maintain Sybase stored
    procedures for an advertising and general ledger application. I was
    also responsible for writing database backup scripts in Unix C/C++
    and Perl on Unix. I also served as a liaison to several business
    groups of the various magazines within the Time Magazine portfolio,
    including: Sports Illustrated, Money, Fortune, Entertainment Weekly,
    Time, People, and others.

AT&T Inc., Bedminster, New Jersey 10-1992 to 01-1994

Lead Developer / Database Administrator (Consultant)

  * My initial responsibilities were to take several weekly gigabyte-sized
    data feeds from Bell Laboratories (and other third-parties) and
    import them into Sybase and Oracle databases using automated scripts
    and data-cleansing routines that I wrote and maintained. I also wrote
    front-end applications in Visual Basic. I was responsible for beta
    testing Microsoft’s new SQL Server and served as lead developer/DBA.


Rutgers University, New Brunswick N.J.

(Bachelors of Science / Class of 1992)

Dual Major: Computer Science and Philosophy, Minor: Economics

Activities: Paul Robeson Scholars

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