[nycphp-jobs] Funded company looking for dynamic language developers (Front end a +)

Charlie O'Donnell charlie at
Tue Mar 18 08:41:49 EDT 2008

Path 101 (  is looking for talented web developers who 
are ambitious, creative, independent, and hardworking. This is an 
opportunity to join an exciting company tackling a huge market--helping 
people figure out their career.

The company is funded by experienced enterprenuers from the founding 
teams of Linden Labs (Second Life), Meetup, Reprise Media, Mimeo, as 
well as angels who also invested in, TheLadders, Etsy, and 
Tumblr. We're offering cash compensation and generous equity.

Here are some of the interesting applications we're working on at Path 101:

# A career path visualization and recommendation tool based on data from 
over 4 million resumes! Find out what people like you actually do with 
your major and your experience.
# A syndicated network of career advice--one that enables people to 
target questions to professionals not only across industries, but from 
across many different types of web pages and networks.
# A personality tester with lots of cool social features... see how you 
compare to friends, to people in different industries--even ask your 
friends to rate your best qualities and see where they think you shine.

*The more you fit this profile, the more we want to talk to you:*

  * Must have good experience with dynamically typed languages, such
    as Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby etc. Please, no "c++/Java only" folks.
  * Must have prior web development experience
  * strong experience writing service oriented architectures
  * experience implementing binary protocols over udp or tcp
  * strong in one or more compiled / strongly-typed languages (c, c++,
    java, c#)
  * strong experience with unix and unix-like platforms (linux,
    freebsd, solaris)
  * obsessed with performance

experience with the following software would be nice to have:

  * apache
  * mysql
  * libevent <>
  * spread <>

Bonus points for XHTML, CSS, UI, and/or UX savvy... Basically, if you 
like the idea, like us, and you're looking to make an impact somewhere, 
we're flexible about your skills and what you'll work on. It's early and 
there's lots to do. Let's talk.   

charlie at

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