[nycphp-jobs] Re-Design Modification of custom PHP CMS

Tim Dooley tdooley at
Fri Apr 30 17:18:58 EDT 2010

Part Time Programmer Position Available - Cake PHP based site, APACHE, mySQL
db, YUO

We have a custom Content management system developed using YUI (Yahoo User
Interface). It is a real estate site that involves a lot of image uploading.
 The Image Upload interface is malfunctioning and the original programmer is
unavailable.  We are looking for someone to install a new interface or
adjust the current one.  We'd be willing to pay around $250 total for this

If this goes well we are in the process of developing a re-design front end
of the site as well, including implementing new search and sort
capabilities.  We will additionally be overhauling the CMS.  Obviously we'd
love to use the same person for those more complex tasks.

Please send replies/resumes to info at
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