[mambo] Session Help!

Hans Kaspersetz hans at
Wed Aug 31 19:21:30 EDT 2005

Alright mambo guys,  you have gone and changed the way you handle 
sessions again and I can not seem to figure out how to get my values 
back out of the mos_session table.  I have added my variable to the 
mosSession class and they match the names of the column.  I can set the 
value in the table with

$mainframe->_session->foo = 'bar';

But I can not access the values in new columns in the mos_session table.

When I do a print_r($mainframe) the session attribute foo is empty.  So 
what in addition adding the var int the mosSession class do I need to do 
now?  Please help.  I am using:

* @version $Id: mambo.php,v 1.45 2005/02/16 17:06:08 eddieajau Exp $
* @package Mambo
* @copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd
* @license GNU/GPL
* Mambo is Free Software

Mitch or someone who knows please help.  Your changes have invalidated 
my howto and I have spent three hours trying to figure this out.


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