[mambo] Shop again

inforequest hc1vdt402 at
Fri Mar 11 22:16:34 EST 2005

inforequest |nyphp mambo list 022005| wrote:

> Well, since
> 1. Mitch is not here
> and
> 2.  (Chris' code brain when not working) > (my  code brain under any 
> conditions)
> I'll disclaim by saying I was answering only this part: "might there 
> be an repercussions from
> changing that absolute link to relative?"
> After that, wouldn't
> <base href="{if 
> $request_type==SSL}{$HTTPS_SERVER}{else}{$HTTP_SERVER}{/if}{$YOUR_DIR}">
> take care of it?

Mambo used to only load BASE when SEF was set to ON, so I probably don't 
know what I am talking about and it might be best to just ignore me (or 
perhaps take a look at the SEF section).

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