[joomla] Joomla!, databases, and you

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Nov 16 12:01:58 EST 2005

On 11/16/05, Mark Withington <mwithington at> wrote:
> I agree with Hans, Postgre and 5.0
> I presume you've chosen not to go the abstraction route?

That presumption is correct ;-)

After working with several external libraries and performance testing,
we've decided that abstracting the abstraction layer just wasn't
justified. For us, we are taking a very ADOdb-like approach, and
providing database connectors/drivers as part of the core of the

This is good news for everyone, as we are not tied to an external
library just to connect to a database, and also the community is free
to provide drivers for whatever data source they want - and this
includes 3rd party  developers as well.

Mitch Pirtle
Joomla! Core Developer
Open Source Matters

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