[joomla] New List, new question

Seth Rothenberg seth at
Sun Sep 11 16:02:36 EDT 2005

I have a joomla install (from its "maiden-name" days :-)
I was looking at the Poll Manager, and I was wondering
if anyone can advise me if this tool is adequate for
my next project, and how to do it...or what tool you would
suggest instead.

I want to do a pledge drive.  In appreciation of pledges,
we can honor people/give them recognition.

eg, there is one top honors, there are 2 near the top,
5 in the next group, then 12 in the next, 50 in the next.

(for a ludicrous example, if they win, we'll name
the building after them;second place, the lobby, etc. :-)

Option 1,
I was thinking of using something online to allow
people to pledge whatever they want, and to see
where they stand in the rankings, compared with
the honors that we will give them in exchange.
The drive goes until we have enough $$$.
The risk is not enough big bids/pledges.

Option 2,
we might set prices for specific honors.

This seems like it might work with Ma...Joomla.
However, I have more than 12 honors.
Certainly about 25.   It would be better to
give an option for infinitely variable pledges.

I realize that Joomla "Poll" might not allow an
individual to see his standings, but I could probably
hack into the DB and display it.

If anyone knows of OSS that can do this, could you
let me know?    OR if anyone would be interested in
working on an OSS pledge manager.....


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