Now OT: Re: [joomla] Basic newbie Template questions

Mr Phil E. Taylor phil at
Fri Dec 29 17:43:42 EST 2006

Photos of baby are on the website

If I come to NY I'll be "dragging" the wife and baby with me - far 
better than photos :)

Just need to find CHEAPER accommodation in NY as I refuse to pay for the 
holiday inn opposite Macy's and don't want baby to go to the youth 
hostel (Where I stayed near Times Square)

So does anyone know of some good (and clean!) accommodation, or has an 
apartment/house/boat/shed to rent for a single week or up to three in 
feb/march to help out this PHP guy his wife and newborn baby? Preferably 
on Manhattan Island but anything considered, Internet access a bonus. 
??? Please reply off list to phil at

Many thanks
/me stops abusing list now....

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On 12/29/06, Mr Phil E. Taylor <phil at> wrote:
>>  I'm here too - gonna be in NY in Feb sometime Mitch - fancy grabbing a
>> coffee?
> Only if you bring pictures :-)
> -- Mitch, with a grin, knowing that Phil has just entered those
> parenting years where he will never, ever get a christmas present
> again
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