[joomla] PHP mailing lists

Graham Spice graham at
Thu Feb 2 23:12:24 EST 2006

There is no API available for PHPlist...yet. There has been discussion 
about the beginnings of an API and the SOAP protocol on the developer 
discussion list in the past few weeks. Things could open up there 
quickly from what I can tell.

You can read the emails between the developers here: See the thread 
called: Web Service Interface to PHPList

Other newsletter related forum posts


On Feb 2, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Norman ONeil wrote:

>> You could also try phplist if you want a challenge, the other pay  
>> for one is put out by and is called mos/ 
>> jos listmessenger. The latter one is integrated into joomla quite  
>> nicely, but still missing bounce processing.
I disagree with this last statement because mosListMessenger does not 
integrate with Joomla's user data! There used to be a hack available to 
automatically sign someone up for the newsletter when they registered 
but that is no longer available. Being able to use Joomla's user data is 
is critical to the integration, IMHO. Related forum post:


Graham Spice
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