[joomla] Strange problem with HTML editor on certain platforms

D. Salemink Klikstudio debbie.salemink at
Sun Mar 12 05:27:02 EST 2006


I'm having a problem with the HTML editor in joomla on certain platforms.
I've tried installing different editors form the mosCE to htmlarea3 (i
think i probably tried all of them.)
The problem is when i go to html in the editor it gives me an empty
field no matter what the content of the site is. This happens in
Firefox, I once had this problem on my own platform and I solved it by
installing a previous version (1.0.7) but one of my students has the
same problem on his laptop and this is not solved even in Firefox
1.0.7 in facts all the text fields in the editor are empty.
It must be some configuration on his laptop, he works on windows XP
just like me, when i visit his administrator from my desktop, I dont
have this problem.
Anybody any experience with this?

Debbie Salemink

D. Salemink
Zomerdijkstraat 1-1

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