[joomla] Embed PHP in Joomla's HTML?

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Mon Aug 27 11:19:35 EDT 2007

Try using this native Joomla 1.5 mambot

To Use:
encase php code with 
{php}SomePHP Code;{/php}
OR include a file with

--- Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at>

> If that's what it's outputting then you probably
> didn't publish the mambot.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: David A. Roth <rothmail at>
> To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 4:06:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [joomla] Embed PHP in Joomla's HTML?
> Thanks to everyone who replied to my posting.
> I installed the plugin and the module. So far, I
> have not been able to get the plugin to work. The
> module works fine, and prints out "hello world" as a
> module. But any attempts to insert code into an
> article such as:
> {kl_php} echo "Hello out there"; {/kl_php}
> outputs this:
> {kl_php} echo "Hello out there"; {/kl_php}
> I did see the suggestion on the Mambo forum that the
> editor might be inserting some formatting. So I
> selected No Editor, and tried it again not allowing
> any sort of HTML to reformat this little bit of
> instruction and the results were the same. The
> System Legacy plugin was enabled.
> Wondering at this point if it might be Joomla
> 1.5rc1, I installed just the mambot plug-in and
> enabled it with Joomla 1.0.12 and then it worked!
> OK, I want to be a good citizen here within the
> Joomla community and report this so it will work
> with Joomla 1.5. I would like some advice here,
> since I know this isn't part of the Joomla core.
> What is the best way to proceed? Post to a Joomla
> forum? Contact the authors (see below), but which
> one since this isn't a Mambo concern?
> <?php
> /**
> * PHP Evaluation Mambot
> * author John Long <konlong at>
> * Based on the "Code Highliting Mambot" by eddieajau
> **/
> // $Id: moscode.php,v 1.1 2003/12/15 00:39:03
> eddieajau Exp $
> /**
> * Code Highlighting Mambot
> * @package Mambo Open Source
> * @Copyright (C) 2000 - 2003 Miro International Pty
> Ltd
> * @ All rights reserved
> * @ Mambo Open Source is Free Software
> * @ Released under GNU/GPL License :
> * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
> * @author Andrew Eddie
> <eddieajau at>
> **/
> Thanks!
> David Roth
> rothmail at
> On Aug 26, 2007, at 6:58 AM, Donna Marie Vincent
> wrote:
> I use the kl_php mambot
>  to include php in content items:
> {kl_php} ...some php code... {/kl_php}
> or write the php code in a file, then include the
> file wherever I want it.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: David A. Roth <rothmail at>
> To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 1:55:00 AM
> Subject: [joomla] Embed PHP in Joomla's HTML?
> I am converting an HTML based web site to Joomla
> 1.5RC1. In the body  
> of the HTML, it has about 10 lines of PHP code which
> grabs a number  
> from another web site so it can display this number
> in the middle of  
> a sentence. Something like, "...with the current
> member now at 810  
> members...". The number 810 is grabbed from an
> external web site  
> which gets updated when the number of members
> increases or decreases.
> OK, I thought about how this might be done. One was
> to write a Joomla  
> Module to do the PHP, but didn't want to deal with
> the formatting of  
> the rest of the article to make it look like a
> natural one that  
> Joomla does so well.
> The other idea, is that I went to Edit the article
> and select for it  
> to display HTML. I then inserted the PHP code such
> as:
> <?PHP
> php code goes here
> ?>
> I saved that and proceeded to reload the page in
> Joomla and no output  
> was generated from the PHP code. I returned to the
> article, had it  
> display HTML once again, and my PHP I included was
> gone.
> Now I never did this before in Joomla 1.x, so I
> don't know if insert  
> PHP is supported in this manner or not.
> Q: Can PHP be embedded into the body of text in
> Joomla as I described  
> above to carry out its task?
> Q: Should I be forced to write a module and include
> the whole article  
> inside the module just to do the PHP?
> Q: Is there a more clever Joomla-like way to
> accomplish this in the  
> manner similar to how mosimage (jpgs) are inserted
> into the body of  
> text, but executed a PHP script?
> Q: And what of Timmy, trapped in the well with
> Lassie distracted by a  
> ripped box of vanilla flavored Frosty Paws®  that
> fell off the truck?  
> When will help ever arrive? :-)
> Thanks in advance,
> David Roth
> rothmail at
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