[joomla] Template install issues

masimko at masimko at
Sat Nov 10 21:53:34 EST 2007

I'm having a hard time installing any templates that I have downloaded so far. I'm thinking it is a permission problem. I'm using a laptop with Ubuntu and accessing joomla in a subdirectory of the web root directory.It appears that all directories are owned by root:root under the web root directory. Inside the joomla directory, all ownership is 1010:1010.I can't find that in my /etc/group file. So, I think that I should chown root:root -r * in th /var/www/apache2/joomla directory.Any opinions about this?**********************As an aside, I feel like I've been given a pod to take home (Invasion of the Body Snatchers). Installation and research has kept me up until 5 am this morning.Mark
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