[joomla] Slideshow from last nights meeting

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Mon Nov 12 15:44:36 EST 2007

Huh?  I'm not unserstanding the problem... Is it that
when you click links inside the iframe, they don't go
external?  As far as I know, the only ways to deal
with that, are target=_parent and javascript, but both
require the code to be within the IFrame...  About the
links issues, do you have an example?
--- Laura Gordon <li_gordon at> wrote:




Thanks for your help with the wrapper concept, it
worked great, now I am using it on multiple websites.


Now here is a question for you...


Since the wrapper is a menu item, I am running into a
problem if my user wants to list on the main body
(content item) the list of the menu items that are
wrappers, then click on the links and display it


I tried it by:

1. Add the item as a wrapper/ menu item

2. Go to that item and copy the link

3. Go to content and put that link in the content


The problem is that when you click on the link the
'wrapper' does not appear in my joomla page it appears
with just the content and nothing else.  Is there a
way to do this?


For example I have a library website, and they have
many 'external' online links, I am creating menu item
wrappers for these links.  But I think if the user
clicks on 'online resources' in the middle of the page
should appear a list of those wrappers, the user can
click on them and go to the right places.

here is the site that I am working on:


They have a page on their current site, which is
'ugly', but I want to simulate it in joomla:

Thank you for your time!!!




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--- On Fri, 10/12/07, Anthony Ferrara
<ircmaxell at> wrote:
From: Anthony Ferrara <ircmaxell at>
Subject: [joomla] Slideshow from last nights meeting
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
Date: Friday, October 12, 2007, 8:06 AM

As promised, here's the slide show from last night. If
anyone wants the source I used, let me know andI'll
send it out as well...    
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