[joomla] what modulle can do this...? (business directory)

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Tue Nov 20 14:59:32 EST 2007

Well, you could use SOBI2... That would pretty much do
exactly what you want...

Are Joomla users in whole invited to the party?  Or is
it just a curtisy?

--- Compustretch NewYork <compustretch at>

> I think we've talked about this at a meeting but I
> didn't remember if 
> there was a definitive answer. I am looking for a
> module that can be 
> used to create a directory of local businesses in
> the neighborhood. 
> Something very similar to the stuff that is out
> there for users, in that 
> it would have the basic info about the business,
> address, email & 
> description, and maybe even something like UHP for
> the businesses to 
> have its own listing...?
> Ideally they idea would be for users to be able to
> favourite a 
> business/listing, rate/review it etc (so in this way
> its more like a 
> content item than a user.) Is there something that
> hooks into CB that 
> could do this? Or a plugin that does it by
> itself...?
> ps- do we have a meeting planned for December?
> Because Thursday the 13th 
> is the city wide IT holiday party which brings
> together PHP'ers, BSD'er 
> and Unix'ers downtown. (You have to rsvp email me if
> you want the link) 
> so it might be better to have the joomla meeting
> were on the 6th or 20th.
> cheers,
> Forest
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