[joomla] JoomlaDayEast and nagging session redirect question

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Mon Oct 15 18:04:56 EDT 2007

Well, those pictures are up at  
--- Compustretch NewYork <compustretch at>

> Well JoomlaDayEast was pretty fun, and even
> informative too. Someone 
> took pictures at the end not sure what they were
> for.
> Hopefully the 2 Joomla user groups websites will be
> posted shortly, yes...?
> Funny thing is, no one there was able to figure out
> the one question I 
> had, involving Joomla php sessions and browser
> redirects. I have a 
> number of Joomla 1.0.12 sites up and running and
> they all work fine, 
> except for one of them. This one keeps generating
> browser errors. In 
> Firefox it says it detected an infinite redirect
> ("in a way that can 
> never be completed") while in Opera, it just says
> its been redirected 
> and you have to click the redirect link that Opera
> generates. When the 
> page does open it has the session ID appended to the
> URL like so: 
> Finally, if you
> are on any subpage in 
> the Jomla site, if you refresh the page it kicks you
> out to the main 
> index.php.
> Frustrated I blew out the whole root directory and
> reinstalled Joomla 
> from scratch. Unfortunately it is still exhibiting
> all of the above 
> session weirdness. I did import the old database, so
> one might infer 
> that's where the problem is. But where? And moreover
> how to solve it?
> I was kind of expecting the event billed as
> JoomlaDayEast to be a day 
> for developers, but they were few and far between on
> Saturday. Not that 
> it wasn't fun, but when you are trying to get the
> kinks out of something 
> like this, it was just a little frustrating to have
> so few people there 
> with any real php (or sql) experience.
> If anyone on the list has some ideas on figuring
> this out, I would be 
> very appreciative.
> cheers,
> Forest M.
> -- 
> "In theory, theory and practice are exactly the
> same.
> In practice, they're completely different."
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