[joomla] JUG library

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Wed Oct 17 08:07:56 EDT 2007

Would anyone be interested in a NYC JUG library?

The condition of usage would be to review the book, so I can bring books 
from the JUG library(if their hardcopy) to the meetings for people to 
pick up who are interested in reviewing the book, you can take them home 
with you and review the book, and when your done either bring it to the 
next meeting to drop off, mail it back to me, or mail it to the next 
person on the list who wants it.

To start with, I have a few Joomla books from Packt Publishing that I'm 
done with and can donate, and if there is interest I can get review 
copies of books from both the Packt and O'Reilly UG support networks.

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