[joomla] IE7 and Joomla intranet site

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Oct 30 13:43:57 EDT 2007

Holy smokes, that approach is N U T S. I'd rather move forward with
the other workaround called Firefox.

>From what I took the time to read, I'd wager you have to put this in
the template file for the entire site. If each document needs to have
a unique tag at the beginning, then that is the performance hit of
being forced to insert such silly markup dynamically for every page

Sorry to be harsh, gosh I hope I misunderstand this document.

-- Mitch

On 10/30/07, Scott Klassen <klas9574 at> wrote:
> This one may be impossible, but I figure that maybe someone here might know.
> I use Joomla for a company intranet site.  We are now rolling IE7 out to
> users and have hit a minor usability issue that is bothering many of the
> staff.  The site is in the Intranet security zone.  IE7 requires that sites
> from different zones be opened in different windows, as opposed to tabs.
> What winds up happening is that with clicking on links to various
> sites/pages both external and intranet, the users wind up with several IE7
> windows open, which somewhat defeats the purpose of having a tabbed
> interface.  Through some research, I've found that there most likely isn't a
> way to turn off this behavior for IE7, but there is a possible workaround.
> It's called Mark of The Web
> (  Can this
> additional header line be set in a Joomla site?  Would be best if I could
> set it in one or a few places as opposed to on every page of the site.
> Thanks,
> Scott Klassen
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