[joomla] After meeting hangout

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Fri Sep 28 13:28:50 EDT 2007

If there is interest in it, after the meeting those who don't need to 
rush home could go over to TGIF's (or suggest an alternate?) to hang out 
for a bit.

The nearest one seems to be:
47 East 42nd Street

After all, not having run a meeting before, I believe I made a mistake 
and owe Mitch a beer for being kind enough to do our first 
presentation(and yes, I suppose the offer extends to anyone presenting 
at the next meeting. :-))

Let me know what the level of interest is and if it is large enough we 
can make sure to get a reservation(and if any of you NY natives have a 
suggestion for someplace better, feel free to speak up!)

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