[joomla] Two Joomla sites on one hosting package?

Leam Hall leam at
Thu Dec 11 11:43:30 EST 2008

Hehe...I'm still learning a lot.  :)

I *understand* what you wrote, at a basic level. Don't fully
"comprehend" it such that I know best practices and see the pitfalls
before I falls into the pits...


On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 11:14 -0500, ozzie sutcliffe wrote:
> Umm I have learned over the years to never 'negotiate' an opinion.
> It's up to you to decide whether its secure or not   ??
> Good practice / best practice earns that title by its own
> If you are to embark on career doing Joomla your should really make an
> effort to understand some of the stuff I pointed out.
> oz

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