[joomla] css editing

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Jan 8 12:28:51 EST 2008

On Dec 29, 2007 11:47 PM,  <masimko at> wrote:
> While in the template manager, I tried using the builtin css editor to monkey with the layout.css file with one of the templates.
> The result was that my changes were not reflected in the output, and the file seems to be locked up as unwritable.

I've *never* used the builtin css editor, on any version of Joomla or
Mambo. I've always had an IDE on localhost, or opened up the CSS in a
console for remote sites.

> Is the css editor in the template manager working or something I should avoid for now?

I just prefer working with something that does syntax highlighting.
But what you bring up is a big deal, I'd check against Joomla 1.5 and
file it as a bug if you're still having issues.

-- Mitch

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