[joomla] Ready to hire: Joomla installation/configuration

Web Project web at
Thu Jul 31 17:24:20 EDT 2008


My synagogue on the Upper West Side is ready to hire
someone to lead all technical aspects of project to convert the web
site to Joomla.

We need someone who owns a suit/business
clothes. -- Need to establish a comfort level with the semi-technical
programs coordinator. She currently uses Drupal on the existing site.

The right person can outsource the site installation/configuration to somewhere or do it himself/herself. 
Person will manage all technical details including loading onto new web server, new ssl cert etc. 

Site will include:
* an off-the-shelf Joomla template (no new graphics design at this time)
event registration, donations, event calendar, slide show, photo
gallery. (Via Joomla extensions. You will propose which extensions to
use, accomplish their initial installation, configuration, etc)

Also online learning section -- an area to download class files, audio, pdf, video etc. with categories, dates, keywords.

A good example site is

A key feature is a project manager who we can talk to.
We anticipate no custom software. But there will be extensions selection and configuration. You should have successfully installed events registration and payments extensions.
We already have the account, merchant bank account, etc.

We're looking to create a long term relationship for future extensions to the site.

Send info including customer references to 
web at
References from churches or synagogues would be nice but not required.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it 


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