[joomla] Thinking through a Joomla vs Drupal artcle

Atir Javid atirjavid at
Fri Mar 27 13:07:45 EDT 2009

Use the right tool for the job.

A similar argument can be made between say Symfony vs. Zend Framework.

One is always looking to save time.  If one can do that with Joomla
and still make a good site, standards compliant, great functionality
and have a easier learning curve for your clients, then why not?

If one is looking for custom functionality, Things that would be
difficult to accomplish with Joomla, then don't use Joomla, use
Drupal(if it fits the bill), or whatever else that is best for the

You don't simply just install Joomla and try to build a site.  You
define your goals first, have an action plan, and consider a few
different tools before you start the actual work.

While there is a learning curve for Joomla MVC Framework, it is still
as difficult as anything else that is new.  If you're not a developer,
you will have a hard time with Drupal as well as Joomla.

Let me put it this way...  Drupal is very flexible, and as such there
are many ways to do something, and that becomes difficult. Joomla has
certain design/development limitations, and its own conventions in
some areas which go to save one from himself.  Allow me to compare
Zend Framework with any other.  Since ZF is a openly knit and loose
framework, there are numerous ways to do something.  There are no best
practices in many areas (except for coding standards guidelines), and
for new comers, it can be very daunting, to have to actually setup a
bootstrap environment, the front controller design pattern etc. etc.
Advanced coders have no problem.  Symfony or Kohana or Code Igniter or
any other php framework actually has a directory structure built,
their own convention over configuration methods, which aid in
extremely rapid application development.

On the same note, since Joomla has its own ways in a lot of ways, it
is easier to use in the long run, as things are very structures.
Drupal is a victim of its own flexibility and developer freedom.

I vote for Joomla, only when it is needed to throw up a quick site for
a small business.  If you need functionality which is difficult to
achieve in Joomla, then use something else, or hire me! :)

2009/3/27 Compi <compustretch at>:
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 6:56 AM, Leam Hall <leam at> wrote:
>> s how can we market Joomla better when "IBM consultants" provide this sort
>> of perception?
> "market" ?
> what is this strange word you are using...?
> ducking,
>> --
> "In theory, theory and practice are exactly the same.
> In practice, they're completely different."
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