[joomla] PHP magic_quotes_gpc

David A. Roth davidalanroth at
Sat Oct 24 15:46:57 EDT 2009

While moving several Joomla web sites of various versions to a new
hosting service, I noticed on the new hosting service that Joomla!
1.0.12 Stable while logged in as Admin had this message:

"Following PHP Server Settings are not optimal for Security and it is
recommended to change them:

PHP magic_quotes_gpc setting is `OFF` instead of `ON`
Please check the Official Joomla! Server Security post for more information."

Not remembering if it should be ON or OFF or if it matters these days,
I downloaded the latest version of Joomla and installed it to do the
pre-check installation. It didn't complain about PHP magic_quotes_gpc
being OFF.

So my big question for this wet Saturday afternoon is, should this be
OFF for all modern installations of Joomla, or it isn't a security
issue anymore?

Yes, I plan to upgrade all the Joomla web sites to the latest. I
presume the best way to do this is follow the chain of patches?

David Roth

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