[joomla] Vent: extensions directory

Leam Hall leam at
Wed Oct 28 17:09:21 EDT 2009

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:
>> Just a personal vent, I hate the new policy of the extensions directory.


> Amen, brother! That's one of the things I said when I heard about the
> new direction the JED was taking. FIRST, excluding GPL-incompatible
> extensions simply prods the community to come up with their own JED
> that is useful to everyone, not just a select group; and SECOND, by
> requiring GPL-only, the project shut their eyes and plugged their ears
> to many, many other FOSS licenses that are totally compatible with the
> GPL.

So, given the current discussion about the organization methods of 
Joomla and Drupal, does this give a big edge to Drupal?

My personal choice is Joomla because I have a book on it, I've worked 
with it a little, and I know at least one former core-developer. From a 
technocratic perspective, I have no idea which is better or why, except 
what I read here. Even then you guys are sometimes over my head.


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