[joomla] Vent: extensions directory

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu Oct 29 11:38:08 EDT 2009

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at>wrote:

> Amen, brother! That's one of the things I said when I heard about the
> new direction the JED was taking. FIRST, excluding GPL-incompatible
> extensions simply prods the community to come up with their own JED
> that is useful to everyone, not just a select group; and SECOND, by
> requiring GPL-only, the project shut their eyes and plugged their ears
> to many, many other FOSS licenses that are totally compatible with the
> GPL.
I'm actually ok with the excluding of GPL incompatible licenses.  I might
not like it, but it seems to me that if the bulk of the current team feels
that way, it seems good to me.

I just don't like excluding GPL compatible licenses.  There is no reason,
other than a desire to force others to use GPL, to reject a public domain
license.  There can be no arguement about wanting to give people choices and
freedom and at the same time reject a public domain license.
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