[joomla] joomladaynyc - some tickets still available

Dan dan at
Mon Sep 7 15:31:41 EDT 2009

I've been to a few of the meetings but I haven't been able to make it for
awhile because of my work schedule. Can someone help me with this problem?

I've been trying to connect, first Joomla with Moodle. I had it working but
to then link with AEC Subscriptions, I deleted the Moodle component and
installed JFusion. Now, whenever I click on a link in my site, I'm getting a
404 - Component Not Found error. It looks like this:

404 - Component not found

*You may not be able to visit this page because of:*

   1. an *out-of-date bookmark/favourite*
   2. a search engine that has an *out-of-date listing for this site*
   3. a *mistyped address*
   4. you have *no access* to this page
   5. The requested resource was not found.
   6. An error has occurred while processing your request.

*Please try one of the following pages:*

   - Home Page<>

If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this

Component not found

Maybe it's still looking for the Moodle component. How do I fix this?

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