[joomla] BC vs. Joomla

David Roth davidalanroth at
Mon Dec 20 11:59:47 EST 2010

While Joomla or any website seems easy enough for most, many simply want
someone else to handle it all. In those cases I feel it could be a business
opportunity to offer a monthly charge to maintain client web sites.

David Roth

Sent from my mobile device

On Dec 20, 2010 11:10 AM, "Chris French" <chris at> wrote: has a tutorial on BC and using Dreamweaver.

It seems like it might be a good fit you are building your grandma a website
to sell yarn balls, but it costs 50/month for the basic use of a store.

I could see it being OK when you are really looking for something simple
that you can set and forget, but it isn't really competing with joomla i
don't think.


On Dec 15, 2010, at 10:14 AM, Donna Marie Vincent wrote:

> From the little I've read about it, yo...

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