[joomla] Server2Go, GONE! How about XAMMP?

Helvécio da Silva helvecio.rj at
Mon Feb 15 14:37:01 EST 2010

This sure was an eye-opener! Thanks!

2010/2/15 Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at>

> This is actually solid development practice, something I've been doing
> for years, and it's the way we managed development of Joomla (and
> Mambo before it). If Git is too modern for you and you just gotta
> stick with subversion, you can try one of these:
> *
> *
> If you develop websites for a living and don't use some sort of source
> code revision control, you're making a HUGE mistake.
> I setup subversion to run on a server - usually at ServerBeach - and
> also provision that server with automated backups. I then checkout my
> project on the local machine (laptop) where I do development. Whenever
> I finish something, I simply commit, and that sends the new code up to
> the subversion repository on the server, which in turn gets backed up.
> I have a local external drive that I use for TimeMachine, more than
> anything as a precaution in case my laptop gets too much coffee or
> falls down the stairs late at night.
> In the end, the likelihood of the following all happening at the exact
> same time is very close to absolute zero:
> * external drive fail
> * laptop fail
> * server fail
> * datacenter backup systems fail
> And after some thought, if all these things failed at the same time
> then I probably got bigger problems than some stupid website.
> -- Mitch
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Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at -
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